What was the 20 percent of this book for me? Well to start of it is a good idea to get an understanding of what the 20/80 concept means. The 20/80 concept is a fraction that can be applied to most things such as what you should be focusing your energy on or how much of something you should have. For example, if you have a ridiculous number of projects planned you should only do 20 percent of them at a time, this way you will do a few great things instead of a lot of mediocre things. This concept can also be applied in a reverse, for example, from a smaller group of friends you will get to know them 80 percent well while a really large group of friends you will only get to know about 20 percent well, meaning you should have a 20 percent amount of friends, instead of and 80 percent amount. So, going back to the question at the beginning, what was my 20 percent of the book that I took 80 percent from? Well the 20 percent for me was when the book shows an important concept in doing less projects instead of doing a lot of projects, which is a problem I tend to go through. If I could focus more on a few projects at a time then I would be able to finish more and do them much better than normal. Hopefully I will be able to go through with this and get more things done in the process.