Identify two possible USP’s for the Ron Paul Curriculum. Defend each choice: 125 words each. Now, for this there needs to be a little background for anyone who doesn’t know what this means, USP stands for unique selling proposition, basically a really good reason to buy this product. The Ron Paul Curriculum is a online program found under the freedom philosophy meant to be a home-schooled aid or to use on of its extra courses as a bonus such as this business course. So, the first USP is going to be the fact this curriculum is under the freedom philosophy, meaning it isn’t manipulated by the government and doesn’t completely subscribe to our 2 political parties. In the course it will cover stuff left out by school and give and unbiased look at subjects such as history and English.
For my next USP lets cover the home-schooled aid side of things. as mentioned before this course will go over thing school tends to leave out. If you need to teach your child for school this can do it for you, simply watch the video lesson and do the assignment. Most classes besides math have a weekly writing assignment, meaning your kid will most likely write more and about more subjects than the average student would, giving them an advantage in today’s world. Outside of that you also have many other curriculums in it that you could do such as the business I am doing.