Business Lesson 15

Out of all things you can go into business the best to ensure you will have a job in a decade. The first and most obvious reason is simply you can be fired since you are incharge. As long as your business is going well you will have a job, if you were to go work for someone, they could fire you at any moment they want to. The next reason is automation. Every low-class mechanical job where you are doing the same tasks over and over again are gonna be the first to disappear due to machines taking over these jobs. The next jobs to go are skilled middle-class jobs that can be replaced by robots and AI that can do the tasks through a systematic approach, such as secretary work or accounting or any real math-based jobs. Jobs such as doctors and lawyers might take a bit longer to replace but if we keep on the path, we are going these jobs will be replaced. The only jobs that are possibly safe are creative based jobs, jobs that involve using specific human abilities such as emotional and judgment required jobs, but if we can figure out how to replicate the way the human brain works, we can possibly say goodbye to these jobs. Business won’t be easy to replace, even if all labor-based jobs are replaced we will still need people creating new ideas and being at the top managing all these machines. So, if you truly want to guarantee that you have a job in a decade, go into business, it’s the safest option most likely to never be replaced by machines.

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