Lesson 90

          The ideal apprenticeship job, and why. For me, as an aspiring game developer, the ideal apprenticeship would be in a game studio, to learn how things are done and what the day to day run of things is like. Now of course, as ideal as this is it is pretty much impossible (I’ve done research into this) I’d end up having to move far away to one of these big cities and it wouldn’t be this small indie game studio, it’d be one of the giant ones at that point. Most Indie studios aren’t in a single location as it can all be done online now much more easily. I’m looking more towards the indie side of things, and to me when I’m young and don’t need to spend many hours a day working seems like the best time to get a apprenticeship or internship, but these would require me moving far away and earning a decent amount of money. Now I do currently have a apprenticeship in a part time job I do working for my dad. He does construction and home repair, which even if I don’t want to go into that field hold a lot of useful skills for me to know. Something someone else would have to call for and pay a lot of money for I could do myself. So in theory for everything I’m doing I have the best apprenticeship job that I could really get for life.

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