Lesson 165

            My 9-month plan to get a part-time job at no less than $20/hour to help a businessman improve his marketing. So, the very first step needs to be finding said businessman, the best way to do this is to look through the yellow pages in my local area and then search it online, if I don’t find anything online but I don’t find something in the yellow page that’s a good sign that he only does yellow pages adds, next would be a simple call where I introduce myself and ask some questions mainly on his advertisement and if things still seem good I’d offer a meeting in which I could help him with his advertising to get more money. If they agree I’d go to the meeting with the basic booklet showing what I could do for his advertisement, I’d also say that if he wants to take it with him, he can, but I’ll need it back in a week. I’d put an offer out to set up a google ad words add for a certain payment. If he seems unsure, I’d let him have some time to make up his mind, giving him a card so he has my contact information. With the combination of the business card and the booklet for him to look through he will either call me back agreeing or when I come back for the booklet in a week and ask if he has decided. Otherwise, if he disagrees, I’d leave it at that, simply reminding him if he ever changes his mind he can call me back, then go back to searching for another businessman. IF he does agree though I will go through with setting up the website, taking an initial payment upfront and the rest later once it’s done and he has seen a positive effect, this is when i pull out the final offer of the part time job to help him further with his advertisements.

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