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  •               What is my most important skill that I can use in starting my business this year? Well, as I want to go into indie game development and make a studio, being able to program well, use blender efficiently and make music would all be nice, but everyone who goes into game development will all have these skills, so the most important one for me to stand up and out will be my ability to advertise, you could make the best game in the world but if no one has heard about it then it is no good. Especially as a starting out developer I need to be able to advertise my game otherwise it will all fail; my studio name will hold no power like other ones might. So how I go about getting the game out their will be important. One idea is to do ‘dev logs’ to get people more invested and familiar with the game before it comes out. I could set up a ad word page for my studio’s site, causing more people to come into it. Getting big names to review or play it on launch day will also be important, and if I decide to go the publisher route, getting a good publisher will have them get these big names for me. Though I’d prefer to not go this route unless I find a really good one. That is why advertisement will be my most important skill in starting my business this year.


  •             My 9-month plan to get a part-time job at no less than $20/hour to help a businessman improve his marketing. So, the very first step needs to be finding said businessman, the best way to do this is to look through the yellow pages in my local area and then search it online, if I don’t find anything online but I don’t find something in the yellow page that’s a good sign that he only does yellow pages adds, next would be a simple call where I introduce myself and ask some questions mainly on his advertisement and if things still seem good I’d offer a meeting in which I could help him with his advertising to get more money. If they agree I’d go to the meeting with the basic booklet showing what I could do for his advertisement, I’d also say that if he wants to take it with him, he can, but I’ll need it back in a week. I’d put an offer out to set up a google ad words add for a certain payment. If he seems unsure, I’d let him have some time to make up his mind, giving him a card so he has my contact information. With the combination of the business card and the booklet for him to look through he will either call me back agreeing or when I come back for the booklet in a week and ask if he has decided. Otherwise, if he disagrees, I’d leave it at that, simply reminding him if he ever changes his mind he can call me back, then go back to searching for another businessman. IF he does agree though I will go through with setting up the website, taking an initial payment upfront and the rest later once it’s done and he has seen a positive effect, this is when i pull out the final offer of the part time job to help him further with his advertisements.

  •                Procrastination, the act of doing something later when you can do it now, it’s a very big issue a lot of people run into, after all, who wouldn’t want to do something later instead of now. As it goes ‘Thats a problem for future me.’ This is not a good thing, and I’m going to tell you why.                                                   

                   First off, why not do it now, when we put things off, we look at it like I’ll do it later, but when it comes time for it, we either complain or even put it off again, creating an endless cycle where the task is never completed. I personally have run into this specific issue a lot where I don’t want to do something at the time and go ‘I’ll get it done late.’ But then, I never do. All that usually happens is that I am getting in trouble for not finishing the task. Outside of it being directly harmful to you it could harm someone else. For example, let’s say that someone’s birthday is coming up, in about a week, you still need to go to the store to get their gift, on the first 2 days you say, ‘I still go a week.’, the next day you want to play your game, or watch T.V, or draw. You end up forgetting until suddenly, it’s their birthday. You’ve forgotten all about their gift and end up making them feel bad on their special day. Do you see why it is said that procrastination kills?

  •             Identify two possible USP’s for the Ron Paul Curriculum. Defend each choice: 125 words each. Now, for this there needs to be a little background for anyone who doesn’t know what this means, USP stands for unique selling proposition, basically a really good reason to buy this product. The Ron Paul Curriculum is a online program found under the freedom philosophy meant to be a home-schooled aid or to use on of its extra courses as a bonus such as this business course. So, the first USP is going to be the fact this curriculum is under the freedom philosophy, meaning it isn’t manipulated by the government and doesn’t completely subscribe to our 2 political parties. In the course it will cover stuff left out by school and give and unbiased look at subjects such as history and English. 

               For my next USP lets cover the home-schooled aid side of things. as mentioned before this course will go over thing school tends to leave out. If you need to teach your child for school this can do it for you, simply watch the video lesson and do the assignment. Most classes besides math have a weekly writing assignment, meaning your kid will most likely write more and about more subjects than the average student would, giving them an advantage in today’s world. Outside of that you also have many other curriculums in it that you could do such as the business I am doing.

  •             The lifestyle I want 20 years from now. I mean most people would answer this with being filthy rich and having anything they could ever want, but I’m going to assume this is based on the career I’m looking into and how I genuinely want my life to be. Well, I am currently 17 as I write this so in 20 years, I’ll be 37. So, assuming everything has gone well I have successfully made an indie game studio and any other businesses that turned out successful. I’d have written some books and released some games that have earned me money. I’d like to be well off though I’m not trying to be filthy rich, I’d try and live a decent but simple life, with a good house and thing to fill it, I’d try avoiding buying things i don’t want hopefully. On the personal side of things, I hope to have, I hope to have a partner who I get along with and has similar interests as me, maybe even a kid or 2 by this point. I’d like to live not necessarily in the city but not far out in the country, probably on the edge of a nice little town. I imagine if things don’t change with school system in the next few years and that my partner agrees with me we’ll probably homeschool our kids. I’d like to be home often, being able to just do my work from my computer. This is what I would like my life style to be in 20 years.

  •           The ideal apprenticeship job, and why. For me, as an aspiring game developer, the ideal apprenticeship would be in a game studio, to learn how things are done and what the day to day run of things is like. Now of course, as ideal as this is it is pretty much impossible (I’ve done research into this) I’d end up having to move far away to one of these big cities and it wouldn’t be this small indie game studio, it’d be one of the giant ones at that point. Most Indie studios aren’t in a single location as it can all be done online now much more easily. I’m looking more towards the indie side of things, and to me when I’m young and don’t need to spend many hours a day working seems like the best time to get a apprenticeship or internship, but these would require me moving far away and earning a decent amount of money. Now I do currently have a apprenticeship in a part time job I do working for my dad. He does construction and home repair, which even if I don’t want to go into that field hold a lot of useful skills for me to know. Something someone else would have to call for and pay a lot of money for I could do myself. So in theory for everything I’m doing I have the best apprenticeship job that I could really get for life.

  •           What would be the most difficult technique in this book so far for you to learn how to do well? Why? I think one of the hardest things to do in this book for me would be simply finding the courage to socialize with people, anything directly manipulating people would also be difficult as I prefer not to trick people without them knowing, it kind of just feels cruel. When it comes to socializing, I tend to think too much and try and find the perfect way to talk to others usually going through multiple different way things could turn out. I think in recent years i’ve gotten better at it but I could still be better. 

  •           How important is trust in establishing long-term business relationships? Well, trust in general is important in any type of relationship, because you can’t have a true one if you don’t trust the other person. Now for business specifically it is very important, cause now it involves people’s money and livelihood, one example of a business relationship could be the publisher and the studio in the video game world. The studio needs to be sure the publisher will do a good job advertising and using connections for the game, while the publisher needs to be sure the studio will meet up to its expectations for a game and won’t just steal the initial money. You can also apply this to the consumer on producer, if the producer puts out a bad product people are less likely to trust and buy from them again, while a producer needs to trust in the consumers wanting to buy the product. In the service world the customer needs to be sure the service they receive is good and not a rip off, while the service provider needs to trust the customer for the money being given. (I’m using my dad’s construction business as my focus on this, he takes the money after the job is complete.) You see, if there isn’t trust between any of these, then nothing would happen, the studio will not get to publish a game, while the publisher misses out on a good chance for money, and everyone else misses out on good products and services, and all the businesses don’t get their money.

  •                I will sell my business when it makes a profit of [$??] a year, so that I can [??]. Filling in the blanks will say, “I will sell my business when it makes a profit of $50,000 a year, so that I can put that money from it into starting up my next business. The reason I chose this number I picked is that if I go in with the intention of making a business to eventually sell, then I don’t want to go too far with it, as the intention behind it would probably be to give me a better chance at the business I wish to do. This would also make it so I do not end up spending too much on this first business and won’t be too worried about getting everything right, instead I can use it to experiment with the business world and learn a few things to help me when starting my next business. Most of these factors would go on to help me in the next run as I will not only have more experience in the running of a business but also more money to make a even better one the next time, and hopefully expand it at a faster and more efficient rate than the first experimental one. So I will sell my business at a profit of 50,000 a year so that the money can go back into my next business.

  •                What are 3 time-allocate changes could increase my productivity. Those time changes would be a 15-minute subduction to 3 different tasks I schedule every day, to allow more time for other things. Well, the very first one, one I kind of am already doing is cutting my time on entertainment, things such as playing video games, watching TV. This is non-productive time I don’t need to be wasting as much on and if I can cut it back by just one hour, that’s an extra hour. The next one is my habit of zoning out and pacing, specifically I’d like to cut back on the time I do this while waiting for something, I tend to do this for example when I’m waiting to leave or waiting for a task, if I can get this time back and use it efficiently then I might get up to an extra hour each day. Finally, the last one is the amount of time it takes me to do schoolwork. Understand that I don’t mean to cut out the amount of school work I’m doing, instead how long it takes me to do it, sometimes I spend longer reading something or working on a essay than I like, which cuts into time I could dedicate such as getting more school work done or using my free time efficiently for my book, game making, or even research. I think, no, I know if I can cut back on these 3 things, entertainment, zoning out, and school time, then I could do more productive things.