What can I cut from my weakly schedule to increase my efficiency? This question is mainly looking for what can I take away from my spare time to have more time to work or pursue the calling? This is a difficult question I think for anyone to answer as you really don’t want to take anything away from our leisure time, and it’s really difficult to take away from our work time. If it were possible I’d like to take away from the amount of time I dedicate to school. I’d like to apply the 20/80 concept to school to get the same amount of work done in less time. If I could do this, I’d have more free time to utilize towards things such as my calling, this most likely being game design, storytelling, drawing, or maybe martial arts. Another thing I could cut back on time wise would be the amount of time I dedicate to playing video games or watching TV. If I were to be able to cut back on time I’d have more time for things such as work and my calling.
What was the 20 percent of this book for me? Well to start of it is a good idea to get an understanding of what the 20/80 concept means. The 20/80 concept is a fraction that can be applied to most things such as what you should be focusing your energy on or how much of something you should have. For example, if you have a ridiculous number of projects planned you should only do 20 percent of them at a time, this way you will do a few great things instead of a lot of mediocre things. This concept can also be applied in a reverse, for example, from a smaller group of friends you will get to know them 80 percent well while a really large group of friends you will only get to know about 20 percent well, meaning you should have a 20 percent amount of friends, instead of and 80 percent amount. So, going back to the question at the beginning, what was my 20 percent of the book that I took 80 percent from? Well the 20 percent for me was when the book shows an important concept in doing less projects instead of doing a lot of projects, which is a problem I tend to go through. If I could focus more on a few projects at a time then I would be able to finish more and do them much better than normal. Hopefully I will be able to go through with this and get more things done in the process.
What would I have to give up to save up 10 percent of my income. Well, the first and most obvious one is buying things I don’t need, things such as sweets. It’s a sad one but if I don’t need that kind of food, I should not get it. Next, I would cut out most of my spending on specific entertainment, I don’t need 5 different subscriptions to services I might use once a year, ill pick one and stick with it, ill also avoid spending too much on game and ‘collectibles’ (toys). The next way would be to budget, control my spendings on activities such as shopping for food and supplies and the bills, after that I should be able to find a 10% to continue putting up.
What 3 goals am I willing to have achieved at age 70? The first goal I would like to have achieved at the age of 70 is to have made at least one successful business. The conditions I would set for this would be that the said business would have made a profit on the money put into the business and would be sustainable to not need my constant attention. The next goal I would like to have achieved by the age of 70 is to have my own family. This one is pretty self-explanatory, find a partner and raise a child or 2. Finally the last goal I’d like to have achieved by age 70 is to have finished a book series. These conditions would be to have written 3 or more books from start to end. Now, how will owning a business help me to achieve all these goals? Well, the first goal is once again a bit obvious since that one is literally just owning a business so having a business would help that a lot. Next is having my own family. Well, you need to get money to put food on the table somehow, and businesses seems like a good route to go with that. Finally making a book series, if I have a business that can supply me with more money compared to a job with more freedom that would help to free up time for writing the book.
How can going the extra mile help me achieve my goals? Previously I had written out goals for 1 year in the future, when I turn 18, and when I turn 25. This paper will explain how going the extra mile will help me achieve these goals and how it can help you achieve your goals. To start off, what does going the extra mile mean? Well, it can be summed up to doing more than you need to do to, for example, get just enough money to live or only doing the bare minimum you need to do for something. This is quite common as going the extra mile is quite difficult and there are many more fun time-wasting things you can be doing. An example of going the extra mile from my list is spending more time working on the book instead of constantly playing videogames and or watching tv, the same thing can apply to programing as well. Besides dedicating more time to other things, you don’t have to do, what about putting more effort into one of your goals, if you only half do something then have you really finished it? What are the benefits of going the extra mile for a goal? Well, it can be anything from getting more money, more things done, or even more enjoyment from completing something you really enjoy. So, in the end it is worthwhile to go the extra mile for your goals, you are more likely to complete them and may get more enjoyment from it rather than wasting your own time.
Out of all things you can go into business the best to ensure you will have a job in a decade. The first and most obvious reason is simply you can be fired since you are incharge. As long as your business is going well you will have a job, if you were to go work for someone, they could fire you at any moment they want to. The next reason is automation. Every low-class mechanical job where you are doing the same tasks over and over again are gonna be the first to disappear due to machines taking over these jobs. The next jobs to go are skilled middle-class jobs that can be replaced by robots and AI that can do the tasks through a systematic approach, such as secretary work or accounting or any real math-based jobs. Jobs such as doctors and lawyers might take a bit longer to replace but if we keep on the path, we are going these jobs will be replaced. The only jobs that are possibly safe are creative based jobs, jobs that involve using specific human abilities such as emotional and judgment required jobs, but if we can figure out how to replicate the way the human brain works, we can possibly say goodbye to these jobs. Business won’t be easy to replace, even if all labor-based jobs are replaced we will still need people creating new ideas and being at the top managing all these machines. So, if you truly want to guarantee that you have a job in a decade, go into business, it’s the safest option most likely to never be replaced by machines.
Harry Browne’s approach to selling is only half about selling your product no matter what and is more about using selling to serve the customer. What this means is you are trying to find the product that will help the customer to solve their problem and are more worried about this than trying to sell the one specific product you are tasked with selling. Based on this I say selling is a service, if done right that is. One example of this is a concept that is hammered in throughout both the book and the ron paul selling as a service lesson, only sell what the person needs to help them and not what he doesn’t need.
Let’s think about the reason for this. If you sell the person something they don’t want, something that doesn’t solve their problem, do you think they will trust or want you again? Probably not, but, if you sell something that genuinely helps them, then they are more likely to let you back in to help solve their problem. To do this you need to listen, ask questions, verify, and make sure they know you want to do nothing but help them. Compared to most people’s methods of selling in which you are practically forcing the person to make the deal this is much more set to serve the customer. This is how Harry Browne’s approach to selling relies on the principle of service, by not selling something the customer doesn’t need but something they need that will help them .
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